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Ways of Killing Lake Weeds

There are benefits associated with lake weeds such as algae, too much of them may cause problems such as interference with recreational activities such as boating and swimming. Lake weeds may also interfere with the fishing process since fishers may have a hard time navigating through the waters and even if they manage to catch fish, most of the time they are of low quality due to the change in their taste and smell as a result of the weeds. For that reason, there are various ways that have been devised through which you can kill or control the growth of weeds in a lake.

One of the main ways of getting rid of weed on a lake is by taking preventing measures such as ensuring that your lake is well designed. This means that the lake should be steep and deep to prevent weeds from flourishing on the underlying soil especially if the weeds are deep-rooted thereby inhibiting their growth. You may also be required to create buffer zones around the lake to prevent nutrients from your farm from being swept to the lake through soil erosion hence promoting the growth of the weeds. The buffer zones can be if a form of trees or crops that help in controlling soil erosion.

Secondly, you may incorporate the use of manual weed control measures from on your lake to be able to control the growth of weeds. This may include manual removal of weeds by use of hands or by use of weed removal machines. Through this, you can cut up the weeds and remove them from your lake though this may be a temporary solution hence for that reason, you may need to be consistent in this mechanical weed control technique. In case the weed situation becomes severe, you may also consider dredging of the lake to deepen it as it is known for inhibiting the growth of weeds by limiting the amount of sunlight reaching the weeds hence making it hard for the weeds to take root.

Lastly, you may consider using the chemical weed control technique in controlling the growth of weeds on your lake. To be able to do this, you should ensure that you choose the correct herbicides by identifying the type of weed you would like to kill. This is because different weeds have their different herbicides, so it is important to be cautious. Ensure that you use the herbicides at the right time when the weeds are still very young and also in the right dosage as directed on the label. You may also use biological weed control methods such as the introduction of insects on the lake to feed on the weeds but first you may be required to consult your states' law before incorporating this technology due to its sensitive nature.Check other tools at

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